The Our Redeemer's Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 29, immediately following the worship service.
This meeting is usually fairly short. The two main objectives are for the congregation to vote on the budget set by the Council, and to consider for election the nominees to the Council.
After the meeting, the congregation is invited to join in a potluck meal. This year, we will also celebrate the mortgage for our church remodeling project being paid in full. We have paid off this debt ahead of schedule thanks to the hard work, generous donations, and solid commitment of our church family members. Thank you to everyone that contributed toward the project which fixed our building, drainage issues, and added a handicap accessible restroom.
Please also remember that Trinity Lutheran in Debs will hold their Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 22. To allow the Pastor to attend that meeting,
Our Redeemer's will worship at 9am on Jan 22.