Approved Minutes from 2019 Annual
Meeting January 20, 2019
Our Redeemer’s Annual Meeting was
held after worship service on Sunday, January 20, 2019. Clancy Erickson, Council President,
presiding. Seventeen (17) voting members
present, plus two (2) children in attendance.
Old Business
Minutes from 2018 meeting reviewed. Tiffany
B made motion to accept Secretary’s Report. Mike C seconded. Motion
New Business:
to the O.R. Council were presented. Meghan
S made motion to accept the Council nominees.
Sabrina E seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
President-Clancy Erickson
Vice President-Tiffany Borg
Secretary-Rose Erickson
Treasurer-John Knorr
Financial Secretary-Meghan St. Peter
Council Members at Large
Two Year Term ending 2019- Rick Northrup, Debbie Wille
Two Year Term ending 2020- Mike Carver, Karen Kraeplin
Budget outlined by President. Tiffany B made
motion to accept Parish Budget. Karen K seconded. Motion carried.
Redeemer’s Budget outlined by President.
Overall income declined. Deficit
budget projected. Council may have to make cuts to charitable giving. Sabrina E made motion to accept O.R.
Budget. Meghan S seconded. Motion carried.
1. Potluck on Sunday, February 3rd.
2. Palm Sunday Pancake Supper is April
Member Announcements:
K indicated several members have difficulty hearing speakers at the mics. Asked Council to circulate a thank you card
for service contribution of congregational member.
E, Sabrina E, and Karen K expressed thanks to the congregation, volunteers,
Council, youth volunteers, organist, and pastor.
Meeting closed with Lord’s Prayer,
led by Pastor Mike.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Sabrina Erickson on behalf of Rose Erickson.
DRAFT Minutes from 2018 Annual Meeting January 21, 2018
Our Redeemer’s Annual Meeting was
held after worship service on Sunday, January 21, 2018. Clancy Erickson, Council President,
presiding. Nineteen (19) voting members
present, plus four (4) children in attendance.
President thanked the Congregation for all of the volunteer work done
for Our Redeemer’s.
Old Business
Minutes from 2017 meeting reviewed. Darlene P made motion to accept Secretary’s
Report. Debbie W seconded. Motion carried.
New Business:
to the O.R. Council were presented.
President opened the floor for volunteers or nominations for the two
open members-at-large positions. Rick
Northrup and Debbie Wille volunteered to fill the open positions. President read the amended list of officers
and at-large members for approval. Karen
K made motion to accept the Council as read.
Sabrina E seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
President-Clancy Erickson
Vice President-Tiffany Borg
Secretary-Rose Erickson
Treasurer-John Knorr
Financial Secretary-Meghan St. Peter
Council Members at Large
Two Year Term ending 2018- Mike Carver, Karen Kraeplin
Two Year Term ending 2019- Rick Northrup, Debbie Wille
Budget outlined by President. Darlene P made
motion to accept Parish Budget. Mike C seconded. Motion carried.
Redeemer’s Budget outlined by President.
Karen K made motion to accept O.R. Budget. Debbie W seconded. Motion carried.
1. No Potluck on Sunday, February 4th.
Early-bird registration discount for Pathways Camps is March 18th.
3. Palm Sunday Pancake Supper is March
4. Ash Wednesday service schedule
will be announced after next Council meeting.
Mary N suggests signs for services are placed on the road.
Debbie W made motion to adjourn
meeting. Debbie L seconded. Meeting
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Sabrina Erickson on behalf of Rose Erickson.
APPROVED Minutes from 2017 Annual Meeting January 29, 2017
Our Redeemer’s Annual Meeting was
held after worship service on Sunday, January 29, 2017. Clancy Erickson, Council President,
presiding. Twenty-Six (26) voting
members present, plus four (4) children in attendance. President thanked the Congregation for all of
the volunteer work done for Our Redeemer’s.
He also noted that the building loan has been completely paid off ahead
of schedule and a small ceremony would follow the meeting.
Old Business
from 2016 meeting reviewed. Darlene P. m/m to accept Secretary’s Report.
Tiffany B. 2nd. Motion carried.
Cross Project is in planning stages.
Memorial Fund is the funding source being considered.
Glass Window Proposal is stalled due to lack of funding.
New Business:
to the O.R. Council were presented.
President-Clancy Erickson
Vice President-Gary Nieuwsma
Secretary-Rose Erickson
Treasurer-John Knorr
Financial Secretary-Meghan St. Peter
Council Members at Large
Two Year Term ending 2017- Tiffany Borg
Two Year Term ending 2018- Mike Carver, Karen Kraeplin
Gary N m/m, Meghan S. 2nd. Motion carried.
Budget outlined by President. Rose E
m/m. Mike C. 2nd. Motion
carried to accept Parish Budget.
Redeemer’s Budget outlined by President.
Giving is in slight decline. Mortgage loan has been paid off ahead of
schedule. Tiffany B. m/m to accept O.R. Budget.
Gary N. 2nd. Motion
1. No Potluck on Sunday, February
Early-bird registration discount for Pathways Camps is March 1.
3. Palm Sunday Pancake Supper is
April 9.
Meeting adjourned.
DRAFT Minutes from 2016 Annual Meeting January 17, 2016
Our Redeemer’s Annual Meeting was held after worship service
on Sunday, January 17, 2016. Clancy
Erickson, Council President, presiding.
Pastor Mike Naylor led devotion from Philippians 4:6. Seventeen voting members present. President thanked the Congregation for all of
the volunteer work done for Our Redeemer’s.
He also noted that the building loan has been reduced to approximately
Old Business
Minutes from 2015 meeting reviewed.
Darlene P. m/m to accept Secretary’s Report. Mike C. 2nd. Motion carried.
New Business:
- Nominees to the O.R. Council were presented.
President-Clancy Erickson
Vice President-Gary Nieuwsma
Secretary-Sabrina Erickson
Treasurer-John Knorr
Financial Secretary-Meghan St. Peter
Council Members at Large
Two Year Term ending 2016- Brandy Kaasa, Karen Kraeplin
Two Year Term ending 2017- Rose Erickson, Meghan St. Peter
John K. m/m to accept candidates for Council. Gary N. 2nd. Motion carried.
- Parish Budget outlined by President.
Question raised about $3,200 expense for “Parish Nurse” and
$0 expenses for “Parish Supply.”
President and Council members confirmed that role of Parish Nurse has
been eliminated. The budget amount of
$3,200 should appear in the category of Parish Supplies.
John K m/m to accept Parish Budget with the correction of
apparent typo concerning Parish Nurse and Parish Supplies. Meghan S. 2nd. Motion carried to accept Parish Budget.
- Our Redeemer’s Budget outlined by Treasurer John K.
Giving remains steady.
Council continues to pay down principle of building loan. Budget to send youth to Pathways Camps
Discussion invited congregation to offer ideas of how to use
Ice Cream Social money for a special project.
Mary N proposed placing a large cross on the blank expanse of exterior
wall near church entrance. John K.
reminded congregation that the memorial fund has approximately $3000 that could
also be spent on a special project.
Luann K. asked about adding special stained glass to the two windows at
the front of the church. Darlene P. m/m
to accept O.R. Budget. Gary N. 2nd. Motion carried.
1. O.R. will have worship at 9AM on January 24th. 2. VBS will be held June 14-16, 2016. 3. Sign-up for Pathways Bible Camp will begin
soon. 4. Palm Sunday Pancake
Supper will take place March 20th.
John K. m/m to adjourn meeting. Debbie W. 2nd. Meeting adjourned.
Approved Minutes from 2015 Annual Meeting, January 18, 2015
Our Redeemer’s Annual Meeting was
held after worship service on Sunday, January 18, 2015. Clancy Erickson, Council President,
presiding. Pastor Mike Naylor led devotion
from Mark 6: 32-44. Twenty voting
members present. Clancy directed
Congregation to read through printed report packet. President thanked outgoing and incoming
Council Members for their service. He
also thanked the Congregation for all of the work done for Our Redeemer’s. Meghan St. Peter m/m to accept Secretary’s
Report. Gary N. 2nd. Motion
carried. O.R. Treasurer’s report was
introduced. Treasurer John Knorr not
present. President noted that the
renovation loan is down to approximately $31,000.
New Business:
Nominees to the O.R. Council were
President-Clancy Erickson
Vice President-Gary Nieuwsma
Secretary-Sabrina Erickson
Treasurer-John Knorr
Financial Secretary-Meghan St. Peter
Council Members at Large
Two Year Term ending 2016-Rose
Erickson, Meghan St. Peter
Two Year Term ending 2017-Brandy
Kaasa, Karen Kraeplin
Debbie W. m/m to accept candidates for
Council. Mike Carver 2nd. Motion carried.
Parish Budget outlined by President. Questions raised & answered about Parish
‘education’ expenses. Benefit package
for Pastor Mike is less expensive because Pastor has his own health insurance
at this time. Kathy B. m/m to accept
Parish Budget. Gary N.. 2nd. Motion carried.
Our Redeemer’s Budget outlined by President. O.R. Secretary noted that there have not been
any bank fees this past year because the O.R. Treasurer has been so
organized. Kathy B. m/m to accept O.R.
Budget. Gary N. 2nd. Motion carried.
President announced that O.R. will
have worship at 9AM on January 25th so Trinity could have late
service for their Annual Meeting. Kathy
Baumgartner announced that the Education Committee will meet immediately after
worship on January 25th.
Debbie L. m/m to adjourn
meeting. Meghan S. 2nd. Meeting adjourned.
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