Our Redeemer's is part of the Debs-Puposky Parish. We share a pastor with our sister-congregation, Trinity Lutheran in Debs. On September 1st of each year, the two churches switch worship times. This year, Our Redeemer's is worshiping at 9:00 am and Trinity is worshiping at 11:00am. Please join us! Tithes/Offerings may be mailed directly to the OR Treasurer, Rose Erickson. (Address found on Contacts page).


Confirmation Sunday 10/11/2020

Ice Cream Social
 We had lovely weather this year for the Social.  Bluebird (vocal trio) added a pleasant soundtrack to the happy voices of friends and neighbors visiting on the church lawn.  The craft and bake sale was loaded with delicious pickles, garden produce, and handmade treasures.  Kids created their own games and fun with dress up, face painting, and helium balloons.
There was more than enough pie and ice cream to provide seconds for those that could not resist!
A huge thank you to the many volunteers that made the day so special. 
Many special thanks to the community that joined us for this cheerful event.
Setting up for pie distribution.
Sabrina & Mary face painting at the children's booth.
Pickles and Produce
The Silent Auction
Some of the hand made crafts

Vacation Bible School

 Palm Sunday Pancake Supper
March 20, 2016
 All funds raised from the pancake meal will be used to send O.R. youth to Pathways Summer Bible Camps!
Thank you to all the friends and neighbors that supported our youth fundraiser!
Several O.R. youth volunteered during the event.  
They prepped, served, and cleaned.
Filling the jars with real maple syrup.
Some of the wait staff...
The men of the church always do the cooking for the Pancake Supper
Many thanks to Thrivent for supporting our event!
Upstairs the ladies of O.R. held a bake and craft sale with a raffle and silent auction.  
The funds raised support Project Linus (blankets for children in need) and other missions.
Once again, children's activities were offered free to all children in attendance.
Many children had their faces painted and decorated Easter eggs and visor hats.
Happy Easter!

Children's Christmas Program
December 13, 2015

submitted photo

August 23, 2015
 photos: Bev Knutson & Alison Seeger

 The Saturday before the Social several volunteers gather at the church to mix and churn ice cream until the freezer is FULL!

The church also has to be cleaned and ready for all the people...

This year our chosen Sunday for the Social was rainy, windy, and cold!  There were gusts of wind over 30 miles/hour and the temp was only about 54 degrees!  So we decided to hold the event indoors.  Instead of serving pie out on the church lawn under canopies we served pie in the basement.

We had several colorful young characters that helped serve...
Pirate Fairies....
and bearded boys....and girls!
Face paint mustaches and pirate beards were all the rage among the kids that visited the children's activity corner.
But a few children chose butterflies, puppies, and flower designs...
And there were bright flowers on every table.
(Almost like being outdoors!)
Upstairs the ladies held a craft and bake sale to raise funds for their WELCA charities.

And there was live music throughout the event provided by several performers, including Pastor Mike and his grandson...
Even though the weather didn't cooperate it seemed like everyone had a wonderful time.
Many thanks to Thrivent, all the volunteers, and the many friends and neighbors that attended this special event!

June 20, 2015
photo credits: Linda Eikman

On Saturday, June 20, members of the Debs-Puposky Parish volunteered as ELCA LUTHERANS at a refreshment stop during the Loop The Lake Festival bike event.  

Chris and Karen Kraeplin volunteered from Our Redeemer's, as well as Pastor Mike and Mary Naylor, and three members from Trinity Lutheran. 
Volunteer organizer, Linda Eikman described the mission of this activity:
"This is just the beginning of how Invitation to Joy wants to create opportunities for all of us to be out in our communities showing that we genuinely care about our fellow neighbors and want to connect with them."

 & Bake/Craft Sale
Sunday, March 29, 2015.  4-7pm
 at Our Redeemer's in Puposky
Pictures of last year's event...
Pancake Supper & Bake Sale
Sunday, Feb 23, 4-7pm
(All photos submitted by Lou Ann Knorr.  Thanks, Lou Ann!)
The men of the church started cooking around noon to be ready by 4pm.
(John, Pastor Mike, Clancy, Gary, and Doug)

The tables set and ready for guests.
One of our hard-working helpers!
Darlene greeted folks at the door.

The bake sale had amazing variety this year.  So many yummy treats!

It is always fun to see the crafts our local artists bring to the sale.

One of the helpers at the bake and craft sale.

Visitors browsing the sale.

More crafts.
A special thank you to the MANY people that worked so hard to make this a fun event for everyone that attended.  It was a joy to fellowship with so many friends and neighbors!
Karen and Mary

Doris, Sharon, Karen, Debbie, and Kathy

A mini family reunion with students home from college:
Debbie, Asa, Sabrina, and Isaac

Wendy tirelessly took care of the bake sale from set-up to clean-up!
Thank you again to everyone that made the 2014 O.R. Pancake Supper Event a special day!
Christmas Eve Candlelight-Carol Service
Thank you to Mary Naylor for the beautiful alter display.

Sunday School Christmas Program
The Sunday School children, under the direction of Kathy Baumgartner, put on a Christmas Program on December 15th.  
Many thanks to Kathy, the children, the parents, the participating adults, and Pastor Jay for putting on costumes and giving this wonderful, talented gift to our congregation!
Click on each photo to see larger version.
The procession, led by Pastor Jay.
The children sang songs.
Several children and Pastor Jay gave readings from scripture to tell the Christmas Story.
Mary, Joseph and the manger.  Plus one little shepherd boy.
Shepherds gathered to see the baby Jesus.
Angels sang.
Thank you to all the performers!

Extra photos below.

Saturday, December 7, 2013
Several of the Our Redeemer's ladies gathered at the church with their lefsa pans and lefsa sticks to make the famed Minnesota favorite!

Two more pics I found of Lefsa Days-Past.....
two of our favorite people!

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