Our Redeemer's is part of the Debs-Puposky Parish. We share a pastor with our sister-congregation, Trinity Lutheran in Debs. On September 1st of each year, the two churches switch worship times. This year, Our Redeemer's is worshiping at 9:00 am and Trinity is worshiping at 11:00am. Please join us! Tithes/Offerings may be mailed directly to the OR Treasurer, Rose Erickson. (Address found on Contacts page).

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Christmas Announcements

The Children's Christmas Program will be on December 10th during the worship service.  
There will be a dress rehearsal for all the participants on Saturday, December 9th at 10am.

Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year.  Our Redeemer's will hold its traditional Candlelight Service at 7pm that night.  
There will not be a morning worship service on Sunday, December 24th.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Kurt & Wendy Yerbich Celebration

The Yerbich family will celebrate Kurt's retirement after 38 years with Beltrami Electric Cooperative and Kurt and Wendy's 40th wedding anniversary at their home on Saturday, October 21, 2017.  Their friends and neighbors are invited to join them for a nice meal and to wish them every happiness in this new chapter of their lives.  The couple requests "no gifts."

Linus this TUESDAY 10/17

Sewing enthusiasts of the parish...
      It has been suggested that we change our 
Project Linus Day to the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
So lets try meeting on :
Tuesday, October 17th at 9 AM to 3 PM.
Pot Luck Lunch as usual.
Hopefully this day will work for a few more people.
Even if you can’t come for the whole day, come for
coffee, or lunch and say  “Hello!”
Hope to see you there.