Our Redeemer's is part of the Debs-Puposky Parish. We share a pastor with our sister-congregation, Trinity Lutheran in Debs. On September 1st of each year, the two churches switch worship times. This year, Our Redeemer's is worshiping at 9:00 am and Trinity is worshiping at 11:00am. Please join us! Tithes/Offerings may be mailed directly to the OR Treasurer, Rose Erickson. (Address found on Contacts page).

Saturday, October 23, 2021

  Church service cancelled for October 24th.  We will post a sermon and gospel reading video tomorrow.  We hope to return to in person service next week.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

 Church service cancelled for October 17th.  We will post a sermon and gospel reading video tomorrow.  We hope to return to in person service next week.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

 The regular church service at Our Redeemers for October 10th at 9 am has been cancelled due to Covid concerns.  Plans are to have regular service on October 17th, please watch for announcements.