Our Redeemer's is part of the Debs-Puposky Parish. We share a pastor with our sister-congregation, Trinity Lutheran in Debs. On September 1st of each year, the two churches switch worship times. This year, Our Redeemer's is worshiping at 9:00 am and Trinity is worshiping at 11:00am. Please join us! Tithes/Offerings may be mailed directly to the OR Treasurer, Rose Erickson. (Address found on Contacts page).

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Our Redeemer's WELCA

 Editor's note:  This WELCA summary appeared in the February Parish Newsletter.  I have attempted to copy it exactly from the original script.  Apologies for any errors and typos.

Our Redeemer's WELCA includes all of the women of our congregation.  Here is a little information about a few projects that the ladies of Our Redeemer's take part in over the year.  We have regular monthly donations that we make to Children's Fund and World Missionary for Orphans.  We support Bible-a-month with a donation each month.  Project Linus has been a very special project for us, with close to 1000 quilts having been made and donated.  There are other missions we support such as the Local Food Shelf, Meal for $1 at Lutheran Student Center at BSU, Havenwood Nursing Home birthday party, Ronald McDonald House, Holiday for Kids, and Holiday meals.  Another mission is the yearly Thankoffering by the Women of the church.  It is a way of showing our thankfulness for all we have and a way to share with those less fortunate.  This consists of...each time you think about how thankful you are for something add a little change to a designated container.  In November we have a special service during regular Sunday morning worship, at which time we turn our offerings in.  Thankofferings are used by Women of the ELCA for the total outreach of the women's organization.  Another mission Our Redeemer's ladies have participated in for quite a number of years is "The Red Stocking Project."  We are given a little red stocking, usually about the beginning of the new year.  We started out by adding 1 dime for Jan., 2 dimes for Feb., 3 dimes for March and so forth continuing on throughout the rest of the year...totaling $7.80.  Recently we decided to increase our giving to 25 cents, totaling $19.50 yearly.  After collecting the stockings in December we determine if there are any special needs in our community to give the offering to.  This year it was decided to do a variety of gifts to about a dozen different folks.  It is a way to show that we remember them and thank them for their participation in the community over the years.  There are usually red stockings available in the entry area of the church...if not ask any of the ladies about them.  We welcome your participation in all that we do. 

We don't hold any formal monthly meetings anymore but still keep our projects going and keep a monetary account for those projects.  There is a financial report included in the annual meeting pamphlet each year. 

The Ice Cream Social is in August at which time we hold a craft sale and then in February at the Pancake Supper we have a bake sale.  These are the two money making projects helping to make it possible to carry out the various missions.

We share Bible study the first Monday of each month at Darlene Pearson's home.  We welcome and invite anyone to attend.

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